24th March, 2021, NFT-DAO General Meeting
Here is a list of timestamps for this meeting (the links are external). Please advise if I have misheard, misattributed or misinterpreted any content.
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Here is a list of timestamps for this meeting (the links are external). Please advise if I have misheard, misattributed or misinterpreted any content.
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Note: timestamps are external links
Tyler Wales, Rich Kopcho, Sev, Dan Verowski
Opportunity to work with PSG Team at IOG
Next few days to work through who can do what pieces of this framework
NFT-DAO will progress on assumption of a live auction in 6 weeks time
@Yagi making a lot of progress laying out what the architecture should be. IOG to provide a Chief Architect to advise
Landing page
Team dedicated to Naming and Branding NFT Auction
Confident in developng marketing strategy
Re-Brand NFT-DAO website
@newmindflow taking lead on content creation
@OctoberBlack (Philip) taking lead on building partnerships
Released first interview
Pivoted to doing actual interview with HOLONS who want to participate
One interview per week - help spread news about upcoming MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Auction.
Kaizen Crypto to be involved - 6.17 - Rich Kopcho
200 users (from 140 last week)
Email lists
221 Subscribers
18 Subscribers
Do we have a Twitter content strategy ? - 8.41 - Rich Kopcho, Tyler Wales
Comprehensive strategy needs to be worked out, scheduling Tweets etc.
Seek expertise in Discord ? - 9.13 - Dan Verowski
Social Media expert at RedHat might be interested in joining DAO - 9.50 - @sev
Actions - Discord Channel redesign
Marketing Meeting
Name of Art Marketplace
Artist call to action for auction - New Mindflow, @muntface
One Page DAO Manifesto (Scope / Description of HOLONS)
Buyer / Seller Contract Flowchart - Dan Verowski and Wilhelm Horrix
SWAT Analysis - Token Utility Cases - Dan Verowski and @newmindflow
Legal Considerations - Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policies, Risk Assessment
Research - competive market analysis - @Sev
Research - Business models- @Sev, @Hud
Auction Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - 6 to 8 weeks
Next Business Planning Meeting in Two Weeks
Continuing work on the GitBook / Business Plan Presentation - @stephen.rowan
Fast moving NFT market
Focusing on analysis of the more static .. commission structures, royalty models
have option to store data directly with an NFT (via IPFS or onchain) - 17.00 - Dan Verowski
allow you to pre-mint NFTs - 17.46 - Tyler Wales
not be charged a fee until sold in an auction
Discussion of "lazy minting, ERC-1155 Standard - 18.29 @sev, Dan Verowski
Street Art and NFTs - 21.10 - Troy Egan, @sev, Dan Verowski
Andy kickstarting market analysis - 23.17 - Troy Egan, Andy
Screen share - Shelley Animation - 25.47 - Andy
Quote "Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change. The sun might shine or the clouds might lower, but nothing could appear to me as it had done the day before." – Mary Shelley
Frankenstein, Chapter 23. Victor is consumed with grief after the death of Elizabeth at the hands of the monster he created.
On-chain storage ? - Tyler Wales
IPFS recommended - a pinning service like pinata - Dan Verowski
Competitive analysis of distributed storage solutions required.
Blockchain energy consumption - Proof of Work versus Proof of Stake
Try to engage Artists in recognition of lesser environmental impact of Proof of Stake Blockchains.
Environmental competitive adavantage of Cardano's Proof of Stake technology.
Need to avoid division between PoW and Pos communities.
Discussion - 35.52 - Sev, New Mindflow, Tyler Wales, Dan Verowski
How much energy each Social Media Platform uses ? 44.34 - Troy Egan
Discussion - 46.50 - New Mindflow, Tyler Wales, Dan Verowski
Energy comparision with Social Media giants, established financial system.
Address this perception by bringing African artists onboard.
Discussion - 50.36 - Andy, Troy Egan, Tyler Wales
Connecting with African communties
Collaborating with African artists via Discord - 51.55 - Tyler Wales
African art marketplace channel
Corporate marketing / Crypto Miner
Cardano only using 6 Gigawatt hours (GWh)
Troy to send environmental data to New Mindflow
Reach out to African Artists on Cataylst - Andy
Marketing HOLON developing infographics, branding of art marketplace, landing page - Tyler Wales
Research storage providers (IPFS etc) - Sev
If any needs help give a callout to the NFT-DAO community on Discord - Troy Egan