7th April, 2021, NFT-DAO General Meeting

Here is a list of timestamps for this meeting (the links are external). Please advise if I have misheard, misattributed or misinterpreted any content

Note: timestamps are external links

Beginning of Fund 5 - 0.02 - Tyler Wales


Rich Kopcho

Tyler Wales

Troy Egan

Dan Verowski

New MIndflow

Philip Roberts

Stephen Rowan

Philip introduced Patrick to Yagi - 0.44 - Philip Roberts

Growth Update - 1.16 - Tyler Wales

We have seen a lot of growth since the funding process started :

Discord community

296 Members

Airtable form

36 People signed up

Artist Registrations for the first auction

22 Artists

Developers signed up via Airtable form

11 Developers

Email list

387 Subscribers



We hope to accelerate this growth, looking at things like policy scripts (process logic) and wire-frames (interface design)

We are on track but need to pick up the pace.

Make sure we are actively removing silos in our various workflows (marketing, governance).

Make extra effort to be as transparent as we can with each other.

Product Update - 3.11 - Tyler Wales

Deliver completed mock-ups to Yagi for branding, get some colors figured out.

Put together basic prototype flowchart (without co lours)

Hopefully we will have a polished product for the MVP

Token Minting - 4.16 - Dan Verowski

Issues with minting token on Daedalus, problems with the CLI (command line interface)

Created small visual for comparison of NFT with Ethereum (for Twitter post)

Working with Jonathan Looney to create first mock-ups for wire frames.

Artist Outreach - 5.28 - New Mindflow

Contacted Artists, including African Artists who have some good potential to create some quality works.

Working on Color Schemes / Graphics for the Launch Page of the Auction MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Produced video to celebrate getting funded

Andy produced a meme as well :

Token Minting reprise - 6.49 - Tyler Wales, Dan Verowski

In Slack channel The Ancient Kraken had minted an NFT-DAO test token - Tyler Wales

On GitHub Troy mentioned Triaging the expertise level - Dan Verowski

Summary : Maybe we could have two tokens for each HOLON ...

  • An internal token (collected by those eligible for voting on HOLON decisions) and,

  • an external token ( collected by individuals outside the HOLON)

Context :

Now raised as a separate Issue :

Can we use Yoroi wallet for token minting ? - 9.20 - Rich Kopcho

Not sure if Yoroi wallet supports Native Multiple Assets yet- 9.25 - Dan Verowski, Tyler Wales

Answer : Yoroi wallet does not currently support tokens

Can we get a visual diagram of how "Triaging" tokens works ? - 9.59 - Tyler Wales

Governance token distribution model is a Fund 3 Milestone - would be good to give this back to the community.

Graphic now produced :

Reference : Fund 3 Deliverable Milestones (Gov-HOLON)

Governance HOLON Update - 10.38 - Troy Egan

Progress reports

Getting ready for progress reports which Rich Kopcho will be starting next week.




Getting ready for progress reports



In Progress


Due: 15th April 2021



We will be handing reports to D? -




We will be handing reports to D?



In Progress


Due: 15th April 2021


Troy / Rich Kopcho

Reporting template

Getting a template ready for that so we understand the reporting process




Reporting process template.



In Progress


Due: 15th April 2021



HOLON Reporting

Also how to receive reports from within the HOLONs




Reports from within the HOLONs.



To Do





Business Analysis

Initial Business Analysis - Hope to have the draft finalized by next week. Which will give us an outline of our market/competition.




Initial Business Analysis.



In Progress


Due: 15th April 2021


Sev, Hud

Token Minting Test

Token Minting Test - 11.51 - Troy Egan, Dan Verowski

Goal to get a contribution token minted and up and running in a two week time frame. The Ancient Kraken and Hud are also interested in getting involved. Anyone else working in the Token Minting community who is interested should contact Dan Verowski.

Dan Verowski will contact The Ancient Kraken and Hud.




Token Minting Test



In Progress


Due: 23rd April 2021


Dan Verowski

Business Plan

Business Plan - 12.43 - Troy Egan, Stephen Rowan

Stephen Rowan working on decomposing the Business Plan




Business Plan Decomposition



In Progress


Due: 23rd April 2021


Stephen Rowan

NFT-DAO Mission Statement

NFT-DAO Mission Statement - 13.05 - Troy Egan

To give us a clearer idea of the sources and directions of our ideas and processes.




NFT-DAO Mission Statement




In Progress


Due: 23rd April 2021



NFT-DAO Charter

NFT-DAO Charter - 13.24 - Troy Egan

Already been put out into the community for contribution and review. Changed name from manifesto to charter early on after feedback from New Mindflow.

Building out a document structure of 1-3 pages (GitHub Review Copy)

Rich - this is drawn from the "Genesis Document" (GitHub Copy). Also sourced from The Holonic Enterprise as a Collaborative Information Ecosystem and Sample DAO Charter - Alexander Kuzmin.




NFT-DAO Charter



In Progress


Due: 22th April 2021



What is the timeline of the charter ? - 14.05 - Rich Kopcho / Troy Egan

Deadline: Reschedule to 22nd April 2021 (Was two weeks from 1st April 2021)

Rich will aim to have something ready for Gov-HOLON - week beginning 19th April 2021.

GitHub Reschedule Comment

Gov-HOLON Meeting

Gov-HOLON Meeting Discussions - 14.42 - Troy Egan

  • Minute Taking Rota - so not on all on the shoulders of one person

  • Meeting Chair Rota - so not on all on the shoulders of one person - Tyler Wales

  • FOSS repositories (GitHub) what should be public or private ? - Stephen Rowan

Reference : README message in "Governance-HOLON Vault" Private repository


This repository should only contain :

  • Draft work to be migrated to the LIVE Governance-HOLON repository

  • Commercially or strategically sensitive information.

  • Confidential information (but please avoid posting personal data here).

  • White Paper - Unsure about time frame, priority, deadline. As it is a more in-depth document. - Troy Egan

    Anyone wishing to contribute should contact Gov-HOLON.

Draft White paper currently located in samepage. Requires input from Development at some point.

GitHub Overview - 17,02 - Stephen Rowan

Beginning the process of open sourcing as per Fund 3 proposal commitments.

We currently have 4 Gov-HOLON projects (Gov-HOLON Project List) on the public Governance-HOLON repository.

Aiming to transfer Gov-HOLON deliverables to GitHub Project Boards, then break these down further into tasks (GitHub Issues) and then allocate Issues to HOLON members.

This week Gov-HOLON had its first community call-out on Discord as an experiment to see how GitHub Issues might work. Starting with the Issue Draft NFT-DAO Charter #29.

Currently building project dashboards on the Governance-HOLON landing page for people not familiar with GitHub.

Open-Source recognition

Began with Open-Source recognition criteria :




Open-Source recognition



In Progress


Due: 30th April 2021


Gov-HOLON, Stephen Rowan

NFT DAO Fund 3 Deliverables

Then NFT DAO Fund 3 Deliverables :




NFT DAO Fund 3 Deliverables



In Progress


No due date


Gov-HOLON, Stephen Rowan


Then a functional breakdown of the Business Plan into organizational units (Business-Plan-Decomposition)

Taking each section of the Business Plan and :

  • working out who should be the best person (HOLON members) delegated that section

  • how it breaks down into scope (what the section covers)

  • how it allocates to tasks (or issues)

  • and how it can be transferred to open-source

Reference :







In Progress


April 14, 2021


Gov-HOLON, Troy, Stephen Rowan


and finally the NFT-DAO-Charter







In Progress


April 22, 2021



How this will inform our reporting

Maybe we don't need our reports then ? - 19.16 - Dan Verowski, Stephen Rowan

Hoping that this will inform our reporting.

This is just the beginning, so we are still having teething problems with how people not used to GitHub use it and how to allocate work. But hopefully it’s the beginning of quantifying what we are doing so when it comes to tokenization we have data available.


Idea of Triaging Consensus Levels arose out of comments on the NFT-DAO Charter Issue - 20.03 - Troy Egan

HOLONs need to consider, for the AGILE/innovative stage of a project, what information do we need public/community consensus on and what tasks/actions to we need just HOLON consensus on. In an emergent process some of our tasks/actions can be slowed down by the process of community input we are committed to. Sometimes a lot of the community are not engaged or are just new.

Started doing flowchart around :

  • on-boarding process - how people/members come on Discord and engage

  • consensus - amongst new people/members

  • How are we triaging levels of engagement

These factors also tie into our tokenization model.

Do we need a communications HOLON that is keeping everyone on the same page? A HOLON that could triage what should be allocated to public/community consensus or what should be private. Also look at how contribution tokens are attached to a triaging model.

Also look at what should be distributed/heterarchical and what should be hierarchical.




Triaging Consensus Levels




In Progress


14th April, 2021


Troy Egan

Reference :

Charles Hoskinson's Roadmap - 24.23 - Stephen Rowan

We are currently a Plutocratic model and need to move to a Hybrid model.

Source : "Also going to launch a research agenda to move from a Plutocratic model (ADA's current status) to a Hybrid model (ADA plus Proof of Merit). Proof of Merit is a very ill-defined concept - consequentially deliverable is closer to 2025 than 2021." (Source)

Did Charles refer to Cardano and did he say "Autocracy" - 24.23 - Rich Kopcho

Correction : Stephen said "Autocracy" when Charles actually said "Plutocratic model" - (apologies).

Autocracy = rule by one dictator / Plutocracy - rule by by people of great wealth or income.

He was speaking tongue-in-cheek - Stephen Rowan

He was speaking tongue-in-cheek, in that the Cardano projects have all started off from a point of centralized authority to get things done. But the aim of Cardano, unlike other centralized authorities, is self-destructive, in that it aims to dissolve itself.

Communication Discussion - 27.22 - Rich Kopcho, Troy Egan, Stephen Rowan, Dan Verowski

Did you mean communication to the outside world or inside the HOLON? - Rich Kopcho

I meant a Communication HOLON directed internally - Troy Egan

The life blood of a Holonic Organization is communication - Rich Kopcho

It seems to me that the person who has stepped up to take up that burden is Stephen. He is our resource that is gathering up that stuff and putting it in a way that people can digest it.

A self-sufficient system - 28.40 - Stephen Rowan

My objective is to create a self-sufficient system so that the DAO is open-source and does not depend on a single person as indispensable. But we will need to recruit more people experienced in open source project-planning.

In the Holonic Organization there isn't a Communication HOLON because there is communication between HOLONs - 30:07 - Rich Kopcho

Part of the Canon is the communication link. What gets communicated from what HOLON to the next HOLON and under what circumstances. In the emergence of that HOLON they identify "who needs what from them" in the sense of on-going communication. That is how you build that communication infrastructure. We are emerging - so we are going through the growing pains of figuring that out.

How do you know beforehand what information needs to be distributed ? - 31.01 - Dan Verowski

How can you have a regulation for it beforehand ?

The key is "beforehand" - 31.20 - Rich Kopcho

If you're trying to plan all this stuff beforehand you'll never get it done. It is emergent behavior. As you are emerging and discovering what your information requirements are - you are discovering your Canon. It is a living document.

An organic, emergent process is already happening - 32.27 - Stephen Rowan

For example people are including each other in HOLON channels in order to achieve transparency.

In emergent behavior, you need something - you make the connection - Rich Kopcho

Does'nt an infrastructure for distributed information already exist ? - 33.11 - Dan Verowski

Not just about access to information - 33.22 - Stephen Rowan

Not just about access to information, its also about awareness about how each HOLON is operating and breaking down information silos. And also focusing on immediate objectives across different HOLONs.

Reference :

We are emerging in our own processes as HOLONs - 34.06 - Troy Egan

Shared responsibility within each HOLON to represent the HOLON. Propose that each of our HOLONs has delegates that HOLON leads are communicating to.

There is no highest level of the organisation - 35.58 - Rich Kopcho

Some of you guys have a lot more power or pull than other people - 36.20 - Philip Roberts

Trying to get Patrick on this call (from bluecollarcrypto)

Reference :

Auction MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Discussion - 37.25 - Tyler Wales, Rich Kopcho, New Mindflow

We have 22 Artists signed up ? - Rich Kopcho

Now we have 23 Artists. - New Mindflow

We thought of giving Artists two days to respond to email circular ? - Tyler Wales

Email roundup - 37.56 - New Mindflow

Andy suggested sending out an email to all the artists working on Cardano related artworks.

New Mindflow requested a two-day window to maximize the onboarding of more artists given the 6-week time-frame. And allow them time to create new pieces. We can still leave the form up and contact artists again after this initial message.

Development MVP (Minimum Viable Product) - 38.57 - Rich Kopcho

In conversation with mutual-knowledge - they are working on a Glow auction facility.

References :

Glow White paper :

Fund 5 Proposals - 40.16 - Rich Kopcho

We have several Fund 5 Proposals in preparation:

An API for the overall marketplace (with mutual-knowledge?)

Smart contracts that will enforce residual distribution (royalties)

splitting distribution of royalties to multiple parties not a trivial process.

Metadata continuity

compatibility layer between ETH (Ethereum) and ADA token metadata

Where to store standard metadata - off-chain / on-chain options

Wallet support - 42.16 - Rich Kopcho

Payment solutions

Insight submitted on Stripe Like Wallet Connector - "Let's make wallets on Cardano as simple as one line of code to connect and use in your Dapp."

Reference :

mutual-knowledge are working on similar solutions.

In three months (given lead times for funding) these options could be possible.

"Beam me up Scotty" - 43.48 - Rich Kopcho

We need a name for "Beam me up Scotty" - teleporting NFTs between different blockchains. Usability and interorperability across blockchains. How do we get there from here. How to do you lock/unlock tokens "transported" between different chains ?

Reference :

Working with mutual-knowledge on such cross-chain solutions takes us into the realm of a bigger eco-system play for NFT-DAO.

Plutus Smart Contract functionality in July 2021 - 46.09 - Rich Kopcho

Shortly after Plutus is Live mutual-knowledge will have Smart Contracts ready for us. - Rich Kopcho

In preparation, we can start writing our contracts well ahead of time by using mutual-knowledge's Glow. People in our Development HOLON are getting into the Plutus Pioneer Program to provide a Haskell focus as well. The long-term vision for us is to be as interoperable as possible - to provide a generic, cross platform NFT-DAO that is not specific to Cardano. One of the prime reasons to reach out to other chains is recruitment of legacy blockchain talent. Bring them in. - Rich Kopcho

To the extent that it remains the most efficient way and the most green way Cardano's blockchain has the edge - Rich Kopcho

Cardano (ADA) core of fungibility - 48.03 - Stephen Rowan

I suppose that ADA is the core of fungibility and Governance - but NFT-DAO does not need to be completely dependent on one chain commercially. For example blockchains are being specifically built for the archiving space which could interface through any number of chains depending on Governance and fungibility preferences.

Reference :

Storage research - 48.44 - Dan Verowski

Some of the art NFTs will be quite large files.

Are Development in contact with Alessandro who did spacebudz ? Because he came up with quite a good storage solution for the current situation.

Reference :

"The metadata for each token are on-chain. The metadata itself links to an image on IPFS and Arweave in order to keep the data immutable and retrievable forever. The metadata are in the minting transaction of the token. Check out this example. Scroll down to the metadata and click on them to see them." - spacebudz.io - FAQ

We were aware of arweave.- 49.40 - Rich Kopcho

We were aware of arweave. There is some research going on into other solutions such as FAI-Seer (?). Do we know where ergoauctions stores its NFTs ? Is it on IPFS ?

Discussion - 50.36 - Rich Kopcho, Tyler Wales, Stephen Rowan, Dan Verowski

I thought we decided to assume we are using IPFS in the Minimum Viable Product - Rich Kopcho

We never made a concrete decision on it. But IPFS seemed to be what most other NFTs are using - Tyler Wales

We may have to do a comparison of different solutions and providers - Stephen Rowan

IPFS and Arweave together is like a decentralised pinning service- Dan Verowski

We should put together a competitive research document for storage solutions. - Tyler Wales

We can do the research anyway, but the Development Team need to select an IPFS solution for the MVP - Dan Verowski

For the MVP we want to deliver something quickly and that will have a long shelf life for our particular use-case. But there are going to be all sorts of NFT use-cases created with NFT-DAO. What solution we choose will be valuable information to the wider community and inform future NFT projects - Tyler Wales

I will liaise with Sev and Hud because they may already have some information about that in the Business model analysis. If not then we will take a field in on storage solutions - 54.02 - Troy Egan

Storage of multiple NFTs - 55.15 - New Mindflow

If we go down the route of minting several copies of the NFT. Do we need to store each of them individually or can multiple editions point to a single file ?

It would be redundant to have multiple copies of the file image, given that an edition is only produced by code in the NFT script - Dan Verowski

Development are best placed to offer a solution, so we should defer this issue to a Development meeting - 55.15 - Tyler Wales

Social media calendar - 57.20 - Tyler Wales

Marketing have a social media calendar that schedules different tweets, blog posts and linkedin posts. NFT-DAO is really everyone's voice not just Marketing HOLON's voice - so if anybody wants some messages put out there to the community get in touch with someone in the Marketing HOLON chat.

Also if anybody wants to have access to the concept calendar airtable form.

NFT-DAO linkedin - 58.20 - Troy Egan

NFT-DAO has its own business page and any HOLON member can link themselves as a team member of the DAO.

Artistic connections- 59.00 - Andy Shaw

Andy has a contact willing to contribute to our marketing and expand our connections outside the Caradno world.

We can invite to Discord channel or invite to one of our Marketing meetings - 1.00.36 - Tyler Wales

Collaborating with other businesses - 1.01.06 - Troy Egan

Collaborating with other businesses who are approaching NFT-DAO about launching a marketplace. Trying to figure out what a collaboration looks like from a DAO's perspective. Personal feedback: found it quite challenging to tease out how we collaborate with a potential marketplace or business that is not planning on being in the DAO. We offer a hive of collective intelligence, everyone sharing input, all those inputs provide outputs that people can take away and share further.

This collaboration that the community is sharing - is the value.

Difficult to get head round engaging with someone attached to the autonomy of their business and not wanting to be part of the DAO. Found it quite challenging to work from that position. First contact hasn’t worked too well - communication drops off.

Peer facilitation and research - 1.04.09 - Stephen Rowan

Workshops between homeless people and people who worked in banking presented as an experience building exercise.

The DAO infrastructure as a value offer - 1.05.46 - Troy Egan

Promisery notes that can contribute to NFT-DAO funding - 1.06.04 - Dan Verowski

DAO-Voting as a service (Some Musings about the Roadmap) - 1.07.03 - New Mindflow

If we provide our own infrastructure, we could be in competition with Cardano because of Charles Hoskinson announcement of a plan to offer DAO-Voting as a service going forward.

Context :

Last updated